Employment Dispute

Employment Law Specialists
New Zealand

Case Form Quick Contact

Employment Dispute Process

We will guide you through the personal grievance and claims process. Most employment disputes are settled before or at Mediation, if not before an Employment Relations Authority investigation meeting. The first step is that you contact us and provide us with the basic details of your case so that we can make an initial case assessment.

The first step

We will be in contact with you to assess the merits of your employment case in a timely manner. Please submit to us the Case Form.
Fast contact - Friendly

Case Form; Step 1

Authority to Act
Formal Representation

We can legally speak to your employer or their legal representative on your behalf once you give us Authority to Act for you.
Legal representation

Engagement Step 2

Informal Negotiation

We will raise personal grievances or claims on your behalf and then negotiate a financial settlement outcome.
Legal representation

Resolution Step 3

Informal Mediation

If necessary we will use an Employment New Zealand MBIE Mediation Service Mediator to assist in achieving an informal settlement.
Legal representation

Resolution Step 4

Employment Relations Authority

If necessary we will take your case to the Employment Relations Authority for determination. This is necessary if your employer is unwilling to settle.
Legal representation

Employment Court
Employment Relations Authority

ERA decisions can be challenged to the Employment Court. We challenge ERA decisions based on reasonable grounds where necessary.
Legal representation